7/29/22: New Day, Bitches I missed June 29th—sorry! >m< I’m at a new recovery center now, RL, and we just got my meds balanced right this week. 60mg Lat. [my bipolar medication] with the Gab. I have (300[mg]x3, for depression & anxiety) = I am more blissed out than I’ve been in a while. When I came, FS had been trying to decrease my Gab., so they did that here, and I tried to do that too, because FS’s psychiatrist told me I shouldn’t be on it because it’s for addicts. But I got bitter, unfocused, and emotionally blank at times without it, eventually realized I need it, so I got back on the 300x3. Is working out, along with the increased Lat. Things are looking up!! [exclamation point with a smile under neath it, to make a smiley face] My stay here is supposed to last 3-6 months—wow! That’s really good though, as it gives me time to get better and slowly return to the “real world”. Still trying to get the [confirmed] pseudo-dementia diagno[sis]—I see a psychiatrist in mid-August, as I can’t see the one at RL [RL] for some reason. I celebrated my birthday here—I'm 25 now! Gave E[liana] the corgi [fursuit] head and they really like it!! [exclamation point with a smile under neath it, to make a smiley face] Still waiting on my b-day gifts; E sent them to the wrong address originally, and is getting me something on Etsy to send to the right one. Hyped to receive it. . . Exciting! [glancing eyes emoji] E has a full time job in audio now (eeeee!); Parker is in a TTPRG show called Heart Town Hunters that I listen to weekly and do fan songs & art for; yesterday Mom spoke to me on the phone to yell about insurance stuff I’m doing [taking care of] already—she also sent a pathetic letter to FS, ew. I’m improving, working on returning to the world in a good & safe manner. I’m ok.